Terrence (ddrmax9898)
- Age: 38
- Location: Rowland Heights, California
- Founder of DWI Extreme Series
- Main Simfile Designer
- DWI Extreme Series LiveJournal Community Moderator
The Boss. The Man. The Head Honcho. If Terrence doesn't okay it, you don't see it. Period. Fortunately that's not a big issue because Terrence is quite open to suggestion. Prefers to make things run smoothly rather than telling everyone "This is how it's going to be." As of today, with simfiles created for dancing-game companies for commercial purpose, Terrence has personally created more than 1200 simfiles.
Nick (nickdood)
- Age: 39 (b. October 25, 1984)
- Location: Fountain Valley, California
- DWI Extreme Series "Secret"ary
Our man behind the scenes. Nick helps with song selection and quality control, testing the simfiles for synchronization before they are cleared for release, as well as offering suggestions regarding graphics and stepcharts.
James (Santiago22)
- levinracer22 (add buddy, send message)
- Age: 45
- Location: Riverside, California
- DWI Extreme Series LiveJournal Community Founder and Moderator
- Website Administrator
- Promoting Manager
James runs the website. If something doesn't look correct or work properly it's almost definitely his fault. He dabbles in stepchart creation, but knows where his strengths lie and thus tends to stick to website design and series promotion.
Retired Staff
Hayden (Tear)
- Age: 35 (b. July 20, 1989)
- Location: Des Moines, Iowa
- Simfile Designer
The first person ever added to the DWI Extreme staff, Hayden is our most prolific stepchart creator besides Terrence himself. His contributions to the series have been mostly for the Konami Transplant genre, though some of his efforts have gone to DWI Extreme Original songs.
Or (Deeper Boy)
- Age: 38
- Location: Hod Hasharon, Israel
- Assitant Simfile Designer
- Song Editor
- Music Researcher
Or creates many of the Light and Standard steps, as well as editing songs to DWI Extreme-length versions. He also finds music for DWI Extreme, his contributions mainly consisting of club remixes.
Willie (250BPM)
- Age: 39 (b. October 9, 1984)
- Location: Grand Prairie, Texas
- Music Researcher
Willie locates songs for use in DWI Extreme, and his contributions, mostly mainstream music, have been among the most-enjoyed songs in DWI Extreme.
Mike (Blue Mystic)
- DWI Extreme V
- DWI Extreme VII
Mike contributed one song each to DWI Extreme V and DWI Extreme VII, both of them Konami Transplant songs originating from Beatmania 5th Mix.
Danny (spinthedisc)
- DWI Extreme VIII
- DWI Extreme X-8
Danny, the creator of another simfile series called Blue Style, contributed three Blue Style songs and one unreleased Blue Style song for DWI Extreme VIII, showing his varied musical tastes with no two songs originating from the same source. Then after exactly ten normal series, another song has been contributed under the category "From Blue Style Original."
Ruben (ninzaburo)
- Invitation of DWI Extreme being released in the arcade
Ruben has invited DWI Extreme Series to include the songs in a machine at Norwalk, California. After permission has been received, 19 released series and 5 unreleased songs were launched in the arcade.
James (jAAAmes)
- Technical support for DWI Extreme Series in the arcade
James has re-synchronized all the songs from DWI Extreme Series before they are premiered in the machine at Norwalk, California. He has also helped to correct all the releasing errors that were found during the premiere. Anaheim, California is the second releasing location.
Nick (shortysnmn2010)
- DWI Extreme X-7
- DWI Extreme X-8
Nick, the founder of another series called Albumix, has contributed three songs for DWI Extreme X-7 to be pre-released. In return, three songs from DWI Extreme X-8 were pre-released in Albumix as well.
Geoff Klassen (GeoffNET)
- DWI Extreme - Glistening To Infinity
As a celebration of the DWI Extreme's 5th-year anniversary on June 24, 2009, Geoff Klassen has spent a great amount of time to prepare and contribute the double stepcharts for DWI Extreme - Glistening To Infinity. This makes DWI Extreme - Glistening To Infinity being the first re-released series with double stepcharts in the entire DWI Extreme history.